As we look ahead at the coming year, we are wondering what God will do to advance His Kingdom around the world. Maybe you are too. This month, our teens had final exams and started the second semester of the school year. In August, all three of our children plan to attend the same school, Rain Forest International School. RFIS provides a quality 7th-12th grade education that aims to prepare students for the next stage of life, for many that includes attending universities in America, Canada, or Europe. The school serves missionary families as well as Cameroonian students.

Brian is the current chairperson of the RFIS Board, and it has become increasingly clear that the situation at the school is dire. Due to retirements and other factors, approximately 75% of the current teaching staff will be gone in three years. RFIS desperately needs new teachers and staff to join now. It takes time to apply to a sending agency, to build a team of prayer and financial partners, and to prepare for life in Cameroon. We need people to begin this journey now or in the very near future.
This is why we need you. RFIS is looking for people with a passion to transform lives who possess specific skills and abilities. Secondary teachers in every discipline (including math, science, English, history, art, music, drama, computers, etc.), a finance manager, a librarian, an IT network specialist, a student counselor, an academic counselor, learning support and ELL specialists, and a director of facilities and technical services are all desperately needed. Do you have any of these skills? Please ask God if he wants you to join His work at RFIS. Do you know someone who has one of these skills? Please talk to them about RFIS or share this post with them. And, if you know of elementary teachers or librarians who would like to serve missionary families in Cameroon, please let us know. There are also needs at the Greenhouse for first and second grade, music, art, and PE teachers. Comment for more info or visit
We are trusting God to provide for our children’s educational needs and help us continue to provide IT support for Bible translation and linguistics training and research for minority language groups in Cameroon. Interestingly, God’s plans have always involved God’s people joining him in His work.
What are you trusting God for in 2021? How will you join in God’s work this year?